Iran Medical Tourism - Mashhad

Iran Medical Tourism
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  • +8Years
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Company name
Iran Medical Tourism
No. 61 Kolahdouz St, Mashhad, Iran
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Mohammad Abbaspour-fard
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Company description
It is our mission to bring together clients and highly qualified doctors/surgeons at some of the most advanced medical facilities in the Region at affordable rates. By combining excellent service with affordable, top quality medical service we are certain to benefit many individuals.

Working with clients seeking medical treatment in another country requires not only commitment but experience and skill. Our team of consultants brings to the table avast background of expertise including the medical field, tourism and client/patient advocacy to guide and assist our clients. Our highly skilled staff acts as a client's advocate to assure that you, the client, has in depth information about the medical procedures available and the Physicians/Surgeons administering them so that you can make  
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We offer a network of dedicated Client Advocates, Coordinators and Case Managers and superior medical staff who strive to ensure that our clients are educated about the process, not only before and during, but also after their travel abroad. At all times we will be consistent in maintaining communication with our clients, facilitate interaction with the doctors including, pre-op conferences via the phone and post-op care. Whether in your country or abroad, our staff is easily accessible via phone or internet to minister to our clients comfort.

we believe in borderless medicine and patient empowerment. The borders of medicine are not just geographical, but financial, political, and syndicated. A patient should have the freedom to choose where they get their healthcare whether it is across state lines or across the globe. A patient should be able to afford healthcare without having to scale the walls of financial opaqueness of a cabalistic healthcare industrial complex. A patient should have access to the best surgeons in the Region without being limited by travel regulations. A patient should have the right to the latest innovations in medicine without being constrained by regulations that might exist to prevent competition rather than harm. A patient should be able to receive healthcare in a timely manner rather than be limited by rationing. A patient should be able to get news about healthcare practices and pricing transparently and pay a fair price instead of being subjugated by a chargemaster.

We have gathered some of the best surgeons from around the Region for some, and around the corner for others. We will provide you with transparent pricing, immediate access to some of the finest surgeons in the Region, the ability to contact and communicate with medical professionals immediately, and information on the latest medical procedures for various conditions and we will do this safely and affordably. In a transparent, borderless healthcare environment, patients and surgeons will thrive, and ultimately the money will follow the patient. we are A New Way To Care.
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Listed in categories
Doctors and ClinicsMedical Tourism
surgery in Iran
health tourism
iran medical tourism


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